Filming Services
SWS offers cities a one-stop film office, ensuring that production companies comply with both state and local regulations. Our goal is to simplify the permit application process for production companies while keeping residents informed and safe. We have successfully managed film offices in Malibu and Agoura Hills, making it easier for production companies to secure the necessary permits for filming while adhering to all regulatory requirements.
Solid Waste Management
SWS helps cities design and implement effective recycling programs in compliance with CalRecycle laws. Our team supports cities through the creation of waste diversion strategies, ensuring all programs align with state regulations. Additionally, we handle the preparation and submission of CalRecycle's annual reports, which are due on August 1st each year. We also facilitate the submission of grant reporting, due by August 15th, to help cities secure funding for sustainable waste management projects.
SB1383 Outreach
SWS offers comprehensive outreach services to help cities comply with SB1383, California’s statewide mandate to reduce organic waste and improve recycling programs. We create engaging content, including articles, Instagram posts, and stories, that raise awareness and educate the community about the importance of waste reduction and proper waste management. Our outreach efforts ensure that the public understands the new regulations and how they can contribute to a more sustainable future.
City Staffing Solutions
SWS provides cities with a dedicated team of professionals equipped with a diverse range of skills, including project management, computer programming, design, grant writing, and organizational expertise. When city staff is overwhelmed with workload, SWS steps in to provide additional support, helping jurisdictions accomplish their goals and meet key project deadlines.